The Research Databank on Romanian Minorities

Social networks and national identity in Transylvania. Hungarian Database

Unique identification number of the database: survey-010

Full title of the database: Social networks and national identity in Transylvania. Hungarian Database.

Person responsible for archiving the datasheet: Veres Valér.

Datasheet archiving date: 2006. 01. 14.

Datasheet’s bibliographical reference: Transylvanian Social Researches Databank: survey-010: Social networks and national identity in Transylvania. Hungarian Database.

Research description

Research coordinator:

Veres Valér.

Datasheet creator:

Veres Valér.

Financing institution:

Research Support Scheme – Soros Open Network, Prague.

Database depositor:

Veres Valér.


National identity

social networks

interethnic relations


Data collection: February 2000

Geographical range of database: Transylvania.

Target population:

The unit of the analysis: person.

Type of database: survey.

The temporal dimension of the database: cross-sectional.

Sample taking procedure: questionnaire and document analysis. The sample consists of 1756 cases, from which 925 is the Hungarian sample and 831 the Romanian sample. The sample refers to Transylvania in a broad sense of the territory. Multi-scale, layered sampling method was used according to the following: county, settlement type, and the settlement. Within a settlement we took sample from the streets also after cases were mechanically selected. Both the Hungarian and Romanian respondents received the questionnaires prepared in their own language.

Data collection procedure: questionnaire

Citing obligation: the the data user will have to refer to the database creators (Veres Valér).

Other database related: survey-011


Veres Valér: Az életkor és a nemzeti identitás hatása a társadalmi kapcsolathálók alakulására Erdélyben. In. Sorbán Angella (szerk.): Szociológiai tanulmányok az erdélyi fiatalokról.  Akadémiai Kiadó – Scientia: Budapest, 2001, 129-154.

Veres Valér: A román és a magyar nemzeti identitás sajátosságai Erdélyben, társadalmi rétegzõdési perspektívában. Doktori disszertáció: ELTE; BBTE 2003/2004.

The description of the database:

Case number: 925.

Variables: 605.

The format of the database: SPSS data file

Observation: some of the string variables were not codified

Other materials connected to database:

Hungarian questionnaire

Documentation of the sampling procedure